Sunday, August 12, 2007

Lions and Tigers and ... Squirrels, oh my!

English Wildlife.

We haven't actually seen any lions and tigers. But where we are living it certainly seems possible that they are here.

Even though we are living in the city of Sheffield, we are surrounded by gardens - thick bushes and extensive lawns.

This is part of our drive - it's about 100m long. If I was a kid I would be unable to resist building cubbies in the deep dark hollows under and behind those bushy hedges on the left. On the right there is a beautiful sloping lawn - perfect for rolling down. A stern sign on the wall announces "no ball games".

But that doesn't stop the grey squirrels from frolicking. They pause in their nervous jumping and chasing and twitch as we go by. We did see a cat - one cat, after the millions of cats in Istanbul - and I guess he was hunting for squirrel ...

The sound of "clopping" brought me to the window the other day to see a couple of mounted police arrive in the courtyard outside our flat window. But, of course, they are hardly "wild"animals.

The other night we lay in bed and listened to an owl hooting outside as it flew from tree to tree.

We are not exactly in the British Outback here, but there is lots of "green", and if I was a little furry animal I would love it here.

This isn't our garden. The Sheffield Botanical Gardens are just opposite the end of our driveway. Great place to stroll, and relax.

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