Sunday, August 12, 2007

No smoke without fire - ?

We have been here 11 days, and today we had our fourth smoke alarm.

The fire trucks came roaring out for the first two, but they didn't show for the third.

This evening we were just saying its about fire alarm time ... I went into the kitchen on my way to the bathroom, and smelt smoke. Looking for the source, I opened the microwave and acrid smoke poured out.

I turned on the extractor fan, went and got Peter, and went upstairs to ask our young Taiwanese friend if he left had some food on.

We started opening doors - the window only opens a crack at best - and then the smoke detector awoke from its slumber and that noise started.

The trucks were here again within a few minutes. They grabbed a huge fan and blew air through the front door, clearing most of the smoke.

It still stinks. And the interior of the microwave is a funny yellow colour.

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